By 10 September 2010 | Categories: news


According to Gamespot, Zenimax Media, the parent company of critically acclaimed video game hit, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, has filed a trademark with the US patent office for a possible Oblivion movie adaptation.

The trademark states that the name ‘Oblivion’ can be used for “motion picture film production; entertainment services, namely providing motion picture theatrical films in the field of fantasy games.”
The 2006 hit role playing game from Bethesda Softworks has frequently been likened to movies for its cinematic approach to character conversations and its rich, colourful game world.
Now fans of the series need only keep those fingers crossed as we wait to see if the patent, filed on the 12th of August, turns into a real project or simply gathers dust, as game-based movies often tend to do.
Time will tell whether anything will come of the Oblivion movie, if the Halo and World of Warcraft movies, both in pre-production, are successful enough they might pave the way for future video game movie adaptations, a genre that has been fraught with failure in the past.


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