By 2 June 2011 | Categories: news


Some say that he hacked the PlayStation Network just by logging in and that he can actually see past the singularity. All that we know is that he’s our PC Medic, and he’s here to answer your PC related queries.

Q: Hello PC Medic. I invested in a terabyte external drive last year and was amazed at how quickly I could fill it up with movies, series and music. I have noticed however that I have many duplicates (particularly movies) that unnecessarily take up space. Is there software I can use to find and delete these copies? Allen Ginsberg.
A: Hey Allen. You can download software such as Duplicate File Remover (DFR, 2.51 MB) and DupeRazor Duplicate Files Removal Kit (3.24 MB). Both are easy to use and work well, but just take note that these are 30 day free trial versions of the software, while DFR will only enable you to delete up to 100 duplicate files. When their trail periods expire you have to purchase the full version, so be quick.
Q: What’s up PC Medic. I have recently upgraded my cellphone contract and am getting a new BlackBerry Bold 9780. I want to give my old BlackBerry Bold 9700 to my little sister and was wondering how to go about removing all of my personal data from it, before I hand it over to her. Carmen Wehr.
A: Hi Carmen, you simply perform a security wipe by going to “Options” in the main menu and selecting “Security Options”, followed by “Security Wipe”. Next you simply tick off all the available data options you wish to remove such as “User Installed Applications” and “Emails, Contacts, etc.” and type the word “blackberry” in the provided space to confirm the wipe. Click on “Wipe” and your smartphone will do the rest.
Tips for Windows 7: Saving time within Windows 7
If you always have a plethora of windows open, such as your browser, Word, Outlook, Excel and photo editing software, then there’s a few ways to quickly move between these in Windows 7. By pressing the “Windows” key along with the “Tab” key, you will be able to scroll through a 3D-esque presentation of all your open windows dubbed “Aero Flip”, enabling you to quickly glance at each window by pressing the “Tab” key. Unfortunately you require Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise editions to make use of it. No luck? You can still employ the tried and tested “Alt” + “Tab” combination.


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