PlayStation users support Japan relief efforts
By Johan Keyter 6 April 2011 | Categories: news
The damage caused by the Tohoku earthquake and subsequent tsunami which hit Japan on the 11th of March is still being assessed, with hundreds of thousands still left sleeping in makeshift shelters and depending on donated food and provisions.
While relief may still be far away for those who lost everything, ordinary gamers can help by donating to the relief effort through the PlayStation Network, with donators receiving special custom themes in return.
The PlayStation Network relief effort started in North America and Europe on the 19th of March and in Asia and Japan on the 24th of March. The store is offering users special custom themes for the PS3, with proceeds donated to the emergency relief efforts.
The effort is now active in 40 countries around the world, with worldwide donations totalling 109.6 million yen ($1.31 million).
The full relief amount will be donated to a relief organisation in each of the corresponding regions, including the American Red Cross and British Red Cross for Europe.
“We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake,” said Kazuo Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment. “While we continue to make every effort to help the recovery of the affected communities in the region, I would like to express our gratitude to every single PlayStation user across the world who made a contribution to the effort.”
The PlayStation Network relief effort started in North America and Europe on the 19th of March and in Asia and Japan on the 24th of March. The store is offering users special custom themes for the PS3, with proceeds donated to the emergency relief efforts.
The effort is now active in 40 countries around the world, with worldwide donations totalling 109.6 million yen ($1.31 million).
The full relief amount will be donated to a relief organisation in each of the corresponding regions, including the American Red Cross and British Red Cross for Europe.
“We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake,” said Kazuo Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment. “While we continue to make every effort to help the recovery of the affected communities in the region, I would like to express our gratitude to every single PlayStation user across the world who made a contribution to the effort.”
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