Portal 2 to be cross compatible
By Johan Keyter 19 January 2011 | Categories: news
At last year's E3 gaming expo, game developers Valve announced a strategic partnership with Sony, also announcing that the PlayStation 3 (PS3) would be the premium platform on which to play its upcoming game, Portal 2.
Now those promises have come to fruition, and in a much greater way than expected. According to CVG, Portal 2 on the PS3 will be fully compatible with the PC and Mac, an unprecedented development which would mean that PC Portal 2 players will be able to play with their PS3 friends, and vice versa.
Valve also confirmed that the PS3 would receive persistent cloud-based storage of saved games and that full cross platform voice chat would be available to communicate with PC and Mac users.
The developers weren't done yet though, also announcing that gamers on the PS3 who link their PSN (PlayStation Network) accounts with their PC Steam accounts would be entitled to receive a completely free download of Portal 2 for the PC, which sounds like one of the best deals we've ever heard of.
"PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-Ray disc in the PS3, link to their Steam account from inside the game, and all their Steam friends (on PC and Mac) will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites," said Josh Weier, project lead for Portal 2.
Gabe Newell, co-founder and managing director of Valve also commented saying, "Working together with Sony we have identified a set of features we believe are very compelling to gamers. We hope to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content release."
Portal 2 is expected to release on the 21st of April on the PC, Mac, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. We couldn't wait for this game from the start, but now we're even more excited to see how exactly cross-platform play will work.
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