By 27 August 2010 | Categories: news


In an effort to calm tensions between the Indian government and BlackBerry holding company Research in Motion the company has announced that it will set up an Industry Forum to work with the country’s governance to resolve data access issues.
Earlier this month India voiced concerns regarding data access over the international BlackBerry network and gave RIM a deadline by which to allow the government access to encrypted messages sent over BlackBerry Messenger and over email.
At present all BlackBerry data traffic internationally is rerouted to RIM server farms in other countries such as Canada, the US and the UK. Complainant countries have voiced concerns that the movement of this data to other territories without sufficient monitoring may pose a domestic security risk. 
In response RIM has extended an offer to the Government of India whereby RIM would lead an industry forum focused on supporting the lawful access needs of law enforcement agencies while preserving the legitimate information security needs of corporations and other organisations in India. 
In particular, the industry forum would work closely with the Indian government and focus on developing recommendations for policies and processes aimed at preventing the misuse of strong encryption technologies while preserving its many societal benefits in India.
The Indian Government has yet to respond.


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