By 13 May 2010 | Categories: news


A father has been reunited with his son after 37 years thanks to the popular social networking site Facebook.
According to the Telegraph, Graham Corbett from Evington, Leicestershire in the UK, last saw his son, Andy Spiers-Corbett, when he was approximately two years old. Mr. Spiers-Corbett (39) from Barlestone, also in Leicestershire, had little success in locating his father until he searched for him on Facebook last month and found him amongst a list of Graham Corbetts on the site. He then proceeded to contact his dad and they subsequently met face-to-face. Andy was also introduced to his two half-brothers and half-sister, while Graham got to meet his grandson, aged 11, for the first time.

“I had tried before on Facebook but no one came up, but when I tried this time there were about 15 Graham Corbetts,” explained Spiers-Corbett. “I looked through them all and there was a few I thought could be him, then his face popped up and my heart started pounding, there were tears in my eyes and I knew it was him. It was like looking at myself when I’m 60.”
Photo: SWNS


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