By 4 July 2011 | Categories: news


It's quite clear at this stage that the next console generation is right around the corner, with Nintendo revealing its Wii U earlier this year, and recent reports suggesting that Microsoft is preparing the Xbox 720 for E3 2012.

Now Sony, the only member of the console trinity still missing, have received its own set of rumours, claiming that the PlayStation 4 will be making its way to your living room in 2012.

The new information comes from a Digi Times report, which claims that production of the PS4 will commence at the end of 2011. A source at a Taiwan-based component maker apparently said that Sony plans to ship at least 20 million PS4 units in 2012.

The makers of the current PS3 will be retained for the production of the PS4, with the controversial Foxconn and Pegatron Technology taking over the assembly duties.

Very interestingly the report also mentioned that the PS4 will feature Kinect-like motion controls built into the console. This will presumably enable full motion sensing gameplay right off the bat, with menu systems and the like to be optimised to include the technology.

Looking at motion sensing trends from back in 2005 (the Nintendo Wii), it's not hard to see why this technology has become so key, although it's still amusing that Sony is now embracing full body motion sensing, having previously mocked Kinect for not having any buttons.

While it seems as though all the console makers will be forced to embrace next generation technology sooner rather than later, the reported 2012 release is still quite early. Recently appointed PlayStation CEO, Andrew House, said that he thinks the PS3 is still in its “early period”, noting that Sony had, “only really just begun to explore what the potential is for 3D.”

The bean counters at the various manufacturers are surely striving for the current generation to be prolonged for as long as possible, but luckily this is harder to do in the technology arena than in others. Once Nintendo releases the Wii U, Sony and Microsoft will be forced to play their console hands, lest they fall behind the competition.


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