By 19 May 2010 | Categories: news


Japanese games developer and publisher Square Enix released their financial results for the fiscal year ending on 31 March 2010, showing a whopping 254% increase in operating income for their games division. It climbed from ¥6.7 billion (just under R550 million) to ¥23.8 billion (just under R2 billion). This is in no small part due to their three top selling titles - Final Fantasy XIII (5.55 million sold), Dragon Quest IX (4.26 million) and Batman: Arkham Asylum (3.24 million). Most of the Final Fantasy XIII titles were sold in Japan (1.85 million), closely followed by the US (1.79 million) and Europe (1.77 million).

Square Enix isn't the only gaming company doing well. EA who released its Q4 and fical year 2010 results last week, also posted good results on the back of five of its titles selling over four million copies within the fiscal year. Those titles being FIFA 10, Madden NFL 10, The Sims 3, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, as well as Need for Speed: SHIFT.


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