By 14 November 2011 | Categories: news


Despite raised hopes that Apple’s iOS 5.0.1 update would fix the battery issues affecting some iPhone 4S users, the new update has not yet resolved all the issues that lead to diminished battery life.

In a statement to AllThingsD, the Cupertino based company elaborated that  “The recent iOS software update addressed many of the battery issues that some customers experienced on their iOS 5 devices.” However, it added that it was continuing to “investigate a few remaining issues.”

The software update, which was released last week Thursday, was met with a mixed response. According to a poll conducted by Mashable, 2883 iPhone 4S users (36.8%) reported having the same battery issues as before, 1307 users (16%) indicated that their battery problems had worsened after installing the update, while 1250 users (16.9%) stated that the update had resolved the issue.  

However, a sizable chunk of the 7821 respondents (2381 users or 30.4%) added that they had not experienced any battery problems to date.

On the Apple forums though, the reception to the new update has not been so positive. One user, John Mantooth, echoed many others’ complaints when he wrote “Upgraded to 5.0.1 this morning. Still draining at the exact same rate. Unplugged with a full charge 2½ hours ago, and already down to 80% with light usage. Just lost 2% during a 15 minute shower. I see no difference at all.”

However, some users encouraged Apple 4S owners to wipe their phone and start afresh after installing the update, reporting that this had resulted in greater improvement.

Despite some disappointment from users that the iPhone 4S was announced rather than the highly anticipated iPhone 5, Apple revealed recently that it had sold more than four million units in the three days after its launch last month.  


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