iPhone 4 RAM doubled
By Tom Manners 18 June 2010 | Categories: news
Apple has never been particularly forthcoming regarding RAM and processor speeds for the iPhone. In fact, it has never officially advertised or published this information at any point during the product’s lifetime, leaving the technology community to guess at what the device might be packing under the hood.
Despite this some information has leaked through since its initial release in 2007. This suggests that the first iPhone contained 128MB of RAM, while the iPhone 3Gs, which was released in 2009, was boosted to feature 256MB of RAM. Similarly Apple’s recently released iPad tablet is rumoured to feature 256MB of RAM.
Mac Rumours is now suggesting however that the company’s incoming iPhone 4, which will be released next week, features an impressive 512MB of RAM. This, in conjunction with the iPhone 4’s new A4 processor would make it Apple’s most powerful mobile product in its arsenal.
If the rumours prove true then the boost in RAM should assist the iPhone 4 in achieving more complex tasks and may explain why Apple is limiting the iMovie application, which was also introduced recently at WWDC, to the iPhone 4.
Overall we’re unsure why Apple would choose not to emphasise such an impressive step up in the memory department. Nonetheless, we are looking forward to getting our hands on a unit upon local release.
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