Oregon Scientific RGR126
By Andrew Gould 26 November 2008 | Categories: gizmos
As people get older they tend to get more and more involved in the weather.
When you’re young you look out the window and think: “It’s raining, I’ll get a raincoat”, but when you get older the part of your brain that records things goes into overdrive and the urge to know exactly how much rain has been falling is unstoppable.
In this modern age of microelectronics it’s time to get rid of your old rain gauge and get your self this one from Oregon Scientific.
This rain gauge empties itself and is much more accurate than anything measured by the eyeball-to-rain gauge method.
The added advantage is, of course, that it remembers for you, so if you don’t remember to write down the rainfall it will have done it already.
It has a nine-day historical record and includes total rainfall. It also displays the temperature inside as well as outside.
Get it for R869 (incl VAT) from The G.A.D.G.E.T. Shop on 012-346-2726 or www.thegadgetshop.co.za.
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