By 19 January 2018 | Categories: news


If you're in Gauteng at the moment, it doesn't seem like there is much respite from the heat. If you needed any further proof that Global Warming is indeed an actual thing, take a gander at the 2017 numbers from NASA on the world's temperature.

According to their Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2017 ranks as the second hottest recorded year since 1880. NASA adds that last year was 0.90 degrees celsius warmer than the global average between 1951 and 1980. Despite what several politicians in the US, including their President, say, things are certainly heating up across the globe. "The overall picture is very, very similar and coherent. We’re in a long-term warming trend," noted Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

Whether or not government institutions will heed the evidence that NASA and other organisations like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) compile, remains to be seen. "NASA and NOAA work on providing the best science that we can and the best analysis that we can. We don’t really get involved in the policy aspects of this," concluded Schmidt.

Take a look at a NASA timelapse of the global temperature to present below and see Global Warming in action for yourself.       


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