By 16 July 2015 | Categories: sponsored content


As one of the top wildlife photographers in the country, Andrew Beck has loads of experience with camera equipment. He shares a peak inside his camera bag and tells us which piece of gear never leaves it. Apart from the expensive stuff, he also provides a cheap solution that he uses on a regular basis.

Andrew Beck: The Canon 70-200mm F2.8L is always in my bag. The focal range is incredibly versatile and it's ideal for the wider, wildlife/environment type shots that I tend to gravitate towards when out in the field. It is also great for snapping the odd portrait of an unsuspecting guest whilst out on safari!

In terms of other little items, I make use of a ‘cow patterned’ shower cap to keep dust off of the front element of some of the larger lenses (e.g. 300/400mm F2.8). It may not look all that cool but it certainly does the trick!

For more of Beck’s photos, visit his website, or check out more of the Canon Series of articles. 


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