By 21 July 2015 | Categories: sponsored content


After learning about his favourite lens, the essential equipment in his bag, and his favourite shot, we have one final question for pro photographer, Tim Moolman. What important piece of advice does he have to offer other photographers that is perhaps not commonly talked about?

Tim Moolman: A photographer should be a photographer no matter what circumstances, situation or light they find themselves in. By that I mean that you should be able to capture any situation competently. The person who taught me photography used to drum this into me, that I could photograph anything I wanted to and photograph it well. I simply had to understand the subject intimately and, if necessary, the client’s needs.

Once you understand and are comfortable with the relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO, it comes down to who you are as a person when you tackle a new project. For example, if you choose to be a wildlife photographer, learn the animals' behaviour and practice patience. If you want to photograph people (and this is a broad field encompassing street, wedding, event and all sorts of commercial photography), then develop a love for the human race and be patient.

All images have a story behind them, whether it’s amusing, frightening, tragic or exciting. This story and your personality is going to shine through in your photography in various ways and you want to be proud of your work and of the person you were. I act like a goofball at times and it puts people at ease, they relax, become themselves and then I get great photographs. 

Lastly, always strive to enjoy what you’re doing and don’t get caught up in pointless debates. You’re a photographer – you get to show people, and the world, at their best. If you choose to, you can also capture the world at its very worst. Keep your perspective; we are documenters and sometimes we are artists, but we are not going to solve the world’s problems or cure its diseases. We can only tell its story.

tim moolman
Not your typical selfie - Tim Moolman capturing himself in action

For more of Moolman's work, visit his website
Also check out the rest of the Canon Series of articles. 


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