Canon Series: The New Gear – Clinton Lubbe
By Staff Writer 31 August 2015 | Categories: sponsored content
We asked commercial photographer, and now also cinematographer, Clinton Lubbe, about any new gear that has left a good impression.
Clinton Lubbe: For the last few years I have been directing my purchases towards cinematography so my new gear is focused around the Canon EOS C300 (pictured) and its crop sensor. It's quite different to the usual full frame cameras I'm used to.
My favourite recent piece of gear is a monster scrim – the stands alone weigh 50 kg and go up seven metres. With a choice of half stop or full stop diffusion, it collects and distributes light in a way that is just beyond special. It is easy to become a technophile and forget that light remains the most critical element in photography.
For more in our Canon Series of articles and interviews, head here.
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