By 3 November 2017 | Categories: news


Long haul truck driving is perhaps one of, if not the most exhausting jobs out there, with drivers spending several hours on the road at a time,requiring sustained focus throughout. As such, most accidents often result from driver exhaustion, which is where Ford's new SafeCap comes into play.

A smart hat for lack of a better term, the SafeCap utilises a number of motion sensors calibrated for detecting head movements specifically associated with sleepiness and drowsiness, and once triggered will wake up the driver with sound, light and vibration. As such, it could help prevent drivers from nodding off, provided they wear the SafeCap for all hours of their drive.

Ford partnered with Brazilian creative agency GTB on the SafeCap, as part of an initiative to celebrate the carmaker’s 60 years of truck manufacturing in the South American country. At this stage, it's unclear if the SafeCap will be mass produced, but Ford has a history of taking their collaborative concepts to the mainstream market, having done so for a baby rocking car seat in Spain earlier this year.   

Hit play on the video below (in Portuguese) to see the SafeCap in action.


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