By 2 November 2017 | Categories: news


We're now only a few weeks away from Star Wars: The Last Jedi hitting cinemas in December, and to date a handful of trailers have arrived to further amp up the excitement. A new one has landed online, providing a few tidbits in a short and sweet clip that lasts no longer than one minute.

What makes this mini trailer noteworthy is the few instances we see Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). Early on he boards the Millennium Falcon, likely recalling his past adventures with Han Solo. More interestingly, towards the end of the trailer, he's duelling with Rey (Daisy Ridley) as part of her training, uttering "this is not going to go the way you think."

While it's up for interpretation as to what Skywalker is alluding to, we think it is probably in reference to Rey wanting to become a Jedi. Given Skywalker's past with training and Kylo Ren's (Adam Driver) revolt at his Jedi academy, it's understandable that he does not want to awaken any potentially volatile powers in Rey.  

Hit play on the trailer below and try to decipher things for yourself.


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