Gaming News Roundup - A Little Down The Line Edition
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 May 2014 | Categories: news
Epic Games unveils community developed Unreal Tournament
Epic Games has announced the development of a new Unreal Tournament title that will be designed in conjunction with the Unreal Engine 4 community. This new addition in the Unreal franchise is also set to be completely free for users to enjoy. The news follows the teaser, issued by Unreal Tournament studio's vice president, Mark Rein last week.
According to reports, fans with an Unreal Engine 4 subscription will be allowed to participate in the crowdsourced development of the new Unreal Tournament game, as player-created modifications are set to be a major aspect of the gameplay after launch.
No official timeline has been placed on this project as of yet, but Epic Games did state that as soon as the Alpha version of the game is finished, it will be free for all to play and help develop further.
Our only question is how the crowdsourcing process will work exactly, in terms of how design decisions are finally chosen. Will it be down to the most popular idea?, or will it be design by committee? Either way it should prove interesting to see what this ambitious project yields.
Insomniac Games releases first gameplay video for Sunset Overdrive
Game developers, Insomniac Games has just released the first gameplay video for the upcoming Sunset Overdrive, an Xbox One exclusive open world title set for release later this year. The four minute long video offers viewers a look at the Sunset Overdrive's gameplay mechanics, rendered environment, the type of weapons and action that gamers can be a part of.
In Sunset Overdrive, players are dropped into the futuristic world of Sunset City, currently overrun by hordes of monsters, transformed thanks to a lethal new energy drink. Players will be able to traverse the city, via a host of telephone cables located overhead, as well as perform some wall running and rail sliding manoeuvres. The video also details a few of the other characters you will run into throughout Sunset City, as well as the energy drink-imbued enemies you'll tangle with.
Accompanying this video, was an announcement from Microsoft stating that a Day One Edition of the game will also be released alongside its debut, with plenty of exclusive in-game content.
To date there is no confirmed release for Sunset Overdrive, but it should be making its way to shelves later this year.
Elder Scrolls Online for consoles gets six month delay
It appears as if the June scheduled release for the console version of The Elder Scrolls Online will be delayed by up to six months. This was first reported following a posting on the game's official FAQ page, which has since been deleted.
Bethesda Softworks, the game developers responsible for The Elder Scrolls online later made an official statement detailing that the company is not yet ready to release the console version of its much anticipated title, deeming the current progress made not up to the usually high standards that Bethesda envision in their games.
The company is currently offering a discount on the console version of Elder Scrolls Online for both PC and Mac users, with the added benefit of porting their customised characters to the console platform.
This should offer some respite, given the recent delay, and now puts the console version on an end of year deadline. TechSmart will be sure to keep fans of the game informed, with regards to any changes in the game's release.
Beta version for Bungie's Destiny slated for July
The Beta Version for Bungie's beautifully designed intergalactic shooter, Destiny, is scheduled for release in July, with PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 users being the first to test it out. The Beta was initially set to be available in the early part of this year, but has since been pushed back a few months.
There is still however, no change in the final version of the title's release on 9 September 2014, which will available across multiple platforms including the PS4, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360.
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark set for 24 June cross-platform arrival
As with most big-budget, action-filled movie releases featuring superheroes, or in this case alien-vehicle hybrids, one can always be assured that a game will coincide at around the same time. The new Transformers movie, Age of Extinction is no different, with a cross platform game entitled Rise of the Dark Spark being revealed in a new trailer from Edge of Reality.
This game will allow users to choose sides and play as either the Autobots and Decepticons, with the infamous Dinobots also making an appearance. The Transformers game franchise has not faired as well as its celluloid cousin, with gameplay often lacking any originality or real depth. We hope that Edge of Reality will try to change all that, and offer up a game that takes more than one day's worth of play.
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark will be available on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, Nintendo DS and PC come 24 June 2014, a couple days prior to the Michael Bay-helmed film's release on 27 June.
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