By 13 January 2016 | Categories: news


The big players in consumer tech these days have their own versions of Virtual Reality headsets. In recent months, many of them are either in the testing and app development phase like Microsoft's Hololens or ready to go to market like Oculus Rift. While tech giants Google has its ultra-cheap (relatively speaking) Cardboard headset under its VR banner, the company is now ramping up efforts in that department. 

To that end a new VR computing division has been created by Google, with one of its own, Clay Bavor heading it up. According to Recode, Bavor has been involved with Google projects such as Drive, Gmail and Docs, as well as overseeing the development of its Cardboard headset. 

As such, Bavor will be expected to assist the company in creating new products in the VR field, although whether that does indeed include a premium VR headset remains to be seen. It would however make sense for Google to do so, as applications such as Google Earth and Maps could be more interesting with VR in the mix. 

While this new division and appointment are still in their infancy, the company has clearly expressed a desire not to be left behind in the wake of VR's resurgence.


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