By 9 July 2015 | Categories: news


With Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson and Kristen Wiig together in one movie, Masterminds had us signed up from the start. An extended trailer has now been released, which confirmed our suspicion that this crime comedy caper might just be one of the comedies of the year.  

The hapless David (Galifianakis) somehow pulls off one of America’s biggest bank robberies to date, with leader of pack, Steve Chambers (Wilson) looking to top him soon after for a bigger share of the spoils.

Director Jared Hess is at the helm, who also did Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamite, but unlike the previous two titles, he didn’t have a hand in writing the film. If you are up for shenanigans, we suggest you give this one a go.

Best bit: Galifianakis’s insane laughing to start things off.


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