By 18 July 2016 | Categories: news


Don't get us wrong, Ryan Gosling seems like a stand up guy, and a good actor to boot, but it's hard not to feel a bit jealous given all his talents. Now, the first teaser trailer for La La Land has dropped, and turns out he can sing and dance as well.

The film stars Gosling as a Jazz pianist and Stone as an aspiring actor, both trying to make it in Los Angeles. As the pair fall deeper in love, thanks to a number of dance routines, they also have to deal with the trials and tribulations that success in their respective careers brings. There's also a gratuitous cameo from musician John Legend near the end, in case you still needed a reason to watch the teaser.

Directed by Whiplash's Damien Chazelle, La La Land is set to release in early 2017.    


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