By 12 February 2019 | Categories: news


As so many movies before it, Child’s Play is receiving the remake treatment. Starting in 1988, this horror franchise, built around Charles Lee "Chucky" Ray inhabiting the body of a super creepy doll, has seen seven movies and perhaps a TV series too. The last flick was 2017’s strangely well received Cult of Chucky.

The reboot is basically the retelling of the original, now of course set in a connect, Internet of Things world, complete with dolls that scan your face. It stars Parcs and Rec favourite, Aubrey Plaza, buying her son Gabriel Bateman (Lights Out) a Buddi 2 doll. The doll, of course, starts acting up and develops a penchant for blood.

The new Child’s Play is directed by Norwegian Lars Klevberg, known for horror shorts Polaroid and The Wall. While the full Chucky isn’t revealed in the trailer, there’s already some controversy, with original creator, Don Mancini, showing his dislike of Chucky’s new look in a tweet.

Child’s Play is set to hit theatres come 21 June 2019. Press play to see if this dolls still creeps you out.


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