By 2 December 2016 | Categories: news


If role playing games are your titles of choice, then the impending release of Mass Effect: Andromeda is likely on your wishlist. The next iteration in the Mass Effect franchise hits consoles and PCs in March next year, as gamers will have a new Pathfinder to come to grips with and make storyline altering decisions for. 

That's one aspect of gameplay that we're familiar with, but developer BioWare has been fairly tight-lipped on other details. Until now, however, as a new in-depth gameplay trailer has seen the light of day, debuting during last night's The Game Awards in Los Angeles

The Pathfinder is part warrior, explorer and guide, tasked with finding a new home planet for Earth's inhabitants. All three elements are explored in the video below, as a female protagonist (there's a choice of either gender) takes centre stage. Along with making friend or foes on new planets, the Pathfinder will also need to be quite resourceful, crafting new gear and sometimes stealing in order to survive. 

How this plays out in full remains to be seen, but Mass Effect: Andromeda looks promising in this new trailer. Hit play below and enjoy.


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