By 23 October 2015 | Categories: news


Since predicting the future is very in vogue right now, here’s a prediction of our own: in the very near future, you will likely watch the below trailer several times to take in everything that is happening. The newest trailer for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is certainly crammed full of details.

The gist is that augmented human, Adam Jensen 2.0 somehow manages to evoke memories of Adam Jensen 1.0, the Terminator and Robocop, all in one sitting. Whether he is more man than machine or vice versa at this point is up for debate. What isn’t in any doubt is that he is even more deadly this time around, with his new augmentations giving a whole new meaning to the words well armed.

Indeed, the trailer shows a few of Jensen’s new, uh, toys, that are built into his arm, including the Tesla and the Nanoblade. Somehow, we don’t think that Jensen’s idea of the perfect use for having a sword in his arm is limited to opening canned vegetables for his dinner.  

It also looks like in Mankind Divided, Jensen will find himself in an even more precarious situation, with augmented humans being giving the X-Men treatment, i.e. persecuted and imprisoned for the crime of being what they are.

You will be able to get a hands-on experience of Jensen’s present come the end of February 2016, in the meantime, head down to the trailer below.


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