By 25 July 2018 | Categories: news


Good news if you are looking to pack your PC and head to the NAG LAN in October. Tickets go on sale on Saturday 28 July 2018 at 09h00, both online and at Computicket outlets. As always, these tickets are worth their weight in gold, and the organisers are expecting it to sell out fast.

There are some changes to the setup this year. “For the first time ever, gamers will be able to pre-select their preferred experience in three dedicated LAN areas when purchasing their tickets. Two of the areas will be fully carpeted, one area will have padded chairs, and two areas will be quieter and more secluded from the noisy expo show floor, ensuring that the NAG LAN experience is more tailored to everyone’s individual tastes and levels of comfort,” says Michael James, owner and project manager at rAge.

In addition to this, gamers will now be able to catch up on some much needed (or despised) sleep at, next to or underneath their tables and will not be disturbed by security.

More good news is that the changes to the NAG LAN also mean a bigger rAge show floor, making for a more interactive and spacious visitor experience, with more exhibitions and activities on offer this year.

The NAG LAN is Southern Africa’s largest BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer/Console) LAN event according to the organisers. Gamers from all over South Africa will travel to rAge with their gaming rigs, notebooks and consoles, where they’ll then game for 52 solid hours.

2018 sees big name sponsors on board to ensure an impressive experience. Nutanix is sponsoring the servers, with Aruba supplying the switches and MWEB Fibre ensuring broadband connectivity.

“Not only is rAge a must-attend event in the calendar for gamers, but it also brings together a host of young talent who may well pursue a future in software development or IT. The sponsorship, and provision of the server architecture for the LAN, provides us with the perfect platform to showcase Nutanix as a next-generation platform for who we believe will be the future IT leaders of our digital economy,” states Paul Ruinaard, country manager Sub-Saharan Africa at Nutanix.

“Furthermore, we have architected the NAG LAN platform to run virtualisation for a high-volume traffic environment, a step away from the bare-metal architecture they have used in the past. We are looking forward to seeing the benefits this yields for the gamers in a live environment,” he ends.

Tickets cost R700 per person, which includes access to the expo all weekend, and will go on sale on Saturday 28 July at 09h00 at all Computicket outlets and online.

For more detailed information on the changes to the NAG LAN, as well as plans showing the new layouts and location of the three areas, go to the NAG website.


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