By 7 December 2017 | Categories: News


If you, like us, have been patiently awaiting any sort of confirmation for the arrival of the fourth season of Netflix's Black Mirror, last night paid dividends. To that end a new trailer has verified that it will land on the streaming platform on 29 December, with all six episodes available globally to Netflix users.

The trailer touches on each of the six episodes of the season, showcasing just how different they are in style, but similar in terms of the dark tone they set. Of all the episodes we've glimpsed in part so far, Arkangel and USS Callister look the most intriguing, especially the latter which seems like an old school Star Trek episode on acid.

With Black Mirror reaching a cult status in recent years, we highly recommend you watch the first three seasons of this Charlie Brooker created franchise, all of which is available on Netflix to stream.


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