Netflix readying its third Marvel series, Luke Cage, for 30 September release
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 March 2016 | Categories: news
As far as Marvel series go, Netflix is on a bit of a roll. The company's Daredevil and Jessica Jones series have both been well received, and soon it will be the turn of Luke Cage. The character, who featured in Jessica Jones, is set for release on 30 September, as Marvel's roadmap of TV series reaches its halfway point.
For those unfamiliar with Marvel's heroes residing in Hell's Kitchen, Cage, Jones and Daredevil (better known as Matt Murdock) will form three parts of The Defenders. The final member is Iron First, with Netflix recently casting Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell on Game of Thrones) in the lead role.
Luke Cage is played by Mike Colter, who some may remember from the ill-fated Halo: Nightfall. His voice also featured as Spartan Locke for Halo 5: Guardians, which means he certainly has the gravitas to pull off the role of Power Man (one of Luke Cage's nom de plume's). Colter confirmed the release at the recent premiere for season two of Daredevil, which should be available in its entirety in your Netflix library come 18 March.
Hit play on the Twitter video below for all the details.
Beautiful people, fighting, & BREAKING NEWS for @LukeCage! Have a look at last night's NYC premiere for @Daredevil.
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) 11 March 2016
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