By 8 May 2015 | Categories: news


Titled RAGE & STEEL (yes, all caps), the latest trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt shows that our favourite white-haired hero Geralt, has lost none of his killing edge, as he deals out punishment without mercy. In spite of its release date being pushed back a few times, The Witcher 3 still remains of the most anticipated games of 2015, which is why its 19 May release date will be anxiously watched around the office.

The trailer starts off with a number of bodies placed on large spikes, as Geralt watches on as a town burns. Then viewers jump straight into the action, as he carves up bodies and decapitates foes with his trusty broadsword. It's not just mortal men that are put to the sword by our protagonist, as all manner of giant beast were on show in this latest trailer. As expected he takes them on as well, as his magical showmanship is put on display.

As the in-game empire of Nilfgaard is in turmoil, it's clear that righting all the realm's wrongs will fall on Geralt's head. Click on the trailer below to see our favourite Witcher in action.


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