New ten minute trailer shows more of The Sinking City
By Ryan Noik 30 August 2018 | Categories: news
Fresh from Gamescom, the developers of The Sinking City have released a 10 minute view showcasing its forthcoming new title, The Sinking City.
The game is apparently heavily influenced by H.P Lovecraft. Why is that good news? Well, if you loved Bloodborne, then that is the kind of horror vibe that Lovecraft is notorious for crafting, in which the unknown and unknowable is responsible for the impending horror, more so than shock or gore.
To this end, player will step into the shoes of Charles Reed, a private investigator in the 1920s who just arrived in the city of Oakmont, Massachusetts in order to uncover the source of whatever has taken possession of the city and the minds of its habitants. Complicating matters is that Charles is slowly going insane, due to past trauma.
As background, the trailer starts when the player receives a call for help from the town’s bookseller, Joy Haden. Her name belies her mental condition, as Joy is far from joyous. The victim of a break-in who is still in a state of shock, the bookseller refuses to say more about it. Armed with nothing more than Joy's address and a revolver, the player must lead the investigation on their own. As with much of Lovecraftian horror, this path will lead them towards mortal danger. The game is set to debut on 21st March on the PS4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. In the meantime, you can check out the ten minutes of gameplay below.
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