By 17 July 2017 | Categories: news


The second trailer for Blade Runner 2049 has just seen the light of day, bringing with it more questions than answers. While the first trailer served up stunning visuals, the second starts to pull on the thread of the storyline.

More specifically,  what happened to Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford)from the first iconic film. With Ryan Gosling's Officer K now added to the mix, and seemingly trying to track down Deckard for the secret he seems to be harbouring, we reckon the former could very well be a replicant.

This is a popular theory that has been doing the rounds ever since the first film, directed by Ridley Scott, reached cult status. With a few good months to go until Blade Runner 2049 hits cinemas in October, this won't be the last trailer we see for the Denis Villeneuve (Arrival, Prisoners) film.


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