By 28 October 2015 | Categories: news


If you ever played Street Fighter II at your local arcade, you might remember travelling from continent to continent in-game and going mano e mano with their best fighter. If you flown to India, you faced Dhalsim, a mystic with stretching limbs and penchant for pyromania. Fans of Dhalsim will then be glad to know he's returning for Street Fighter V, as Capcom just released a trailer showcasing the lanky fighter in action.

Dhalsim is now sporting a beard (perhaps he's become a hipster over the past few years), although his signature red tattoos and all-white eyes still remain. Still intact is Dhalsim's ability to launch ranged attacks by stretching his limbs, as well as well breathing fire for quick counters.

Along with bringing back a fan favourite, we finally have a release window for Street Fighter V, as the game is slated to land on consoles come February 2016. A more definitive date is unknown, but Capcom is reportedly bringing a select range of fighters to the fore then, with more characters arriving in following months. If Capcom can get the mix of gameplay and DLC right, then it could have a winner on its hands much like this year's Mortal Kombat X (review).   


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