By 13 August 2015 | Categories: news


Anybody familiar with the work of Quentin Tarantino, will know that the writer/director has famously stated that he will only create ten films. As such, with The Hateful Eight being his eighth film to date, the pressure is on for it to be a doozy. The film almost didn't happen as hackers leaked the script well before shooting began. Thankfully though, Tarantino has stayed on course, and now a teaser trailer has been released for all his fans to salivate over. 

The movie features Tarantino-regular Samuel L. Jackson play Major Marquis Warren. Warren is just one of eight (yep, you guessed it) strangers that seek shelter from a terrible blizzard in the Wyoming Mountains. Joining Jackson are Kurt Russell (Stargate, Big Trouble in Little China), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Kill Your Darlings, Road to Perdition) and Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill: Vol. 2) among others.

With all eight characters essentially trapped together, it's discovered that one of them is lying, although the motive for doing so is never mentioned. We assume that the rest of the film tries to decipher which one it is, all while Tarantino's signature penchant for violence and poignant dialogue takes care of the rest.  

Click on the trailer below and enjoy as much as you can, because The Hateful Eight only comes out on 8 January 2016 (United Kingdom). 

Best Bit: Daisy tastefully demonstrating what hanging means at 1:06. 


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