By 21 September 2017 | Categories: news


As more developments in the world of self-driving cars continue to crop up, it appears as if partnerships will be the go-to route. Earlier this week, Intel and Waymo stated their intent to develop a full fledged self-driving car together, and now Tesla and AMD have outline a desire to make a CPU for autonomous vehicles.

According to a report from CNBC, the pair will be working together on a chip for self-driving cars, with Tesla likely looking for an alternative to Nvidia's option. Tesla has stated its intent to roll out a fleet of autonomous vehicles by 2019, and not simply be content with the Autopilot function that a handful of its current electric cars feature.

While neither Tesla, nor AMD provided further comment to CNBC, a source did tell the news organisation that the electric carmaker has already received back samples of the new chip, and has begun testing it out on more powerful hardware.

With some of the world's biggest chip manufacturers all partnering up with carmakers, it appears the next big race in processors will be within the motoring industry.


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