Three Humble Book Bundles offer great reading for a song
By Staff Writer 29 September 2017 | Categories: news
We like keeping tabs on what’s happening with Humble Bundle’s Book Bundles. Although no comics are currently on offer, there are three bundles available that should stand you in good stead if you’re looking for something to read over the weekend.
First up is some intriguing Japanese science fiction. This comes courtesy of VIZ Media, who, through its Haikasoru imprint, is bringing Japanese sci-fi writing to the English speaking world. We would like to claim that we are familiar with some of the writers, but alas, our knowledge of Japanese culture doesn’t stretch much further than a dabble in anime and Haruki Murakami. With full novels and short stories on offer, you can test the waters of Nippon fiction for as little as $1.
If you feel more like yoga, a warm cup of camomile and some mindfulness will save the day, the Treat Yourself bundle from Callisto Media will take your fancy. Books about sex positions, paleo cooking, bodyweight training, clean eating and, uhm, ice cream are all on offer, with $15 required for everything.
Looking for something perhaps a bit more edgy? The Hacking Reloaded bundle should be required reading for security experts, with 15 books on offer courtesy of No Starch Press. Themes from hacking cars, Android security and network monitoring are examined, which should provide some food for thought if this is your kinda thing.
Some of the money raised goes towards charities, while these bundles will be available for a limited time only, so go and buy now.
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