New survey considers how to oversee robots

By Ryan Noik 2 July 2018

A federal agency to oversee and regulate robots is mulled in a new robot from the Brookings Institution. FULL STORY >


Like Books? Try this week’s Humble Bundles

By Staff Writer 16 February 2018

The guys and gals over at Humble Bundle are going all out on books right now. And it’s a pretty big audience they are catering for with their bundles right now, with programmers, sci-fi fans and comic book lovers all covered (there’s an overlap... FULL STORY >


Stargate Origins receives a new trailer

By Staff Writer 2 February 2018

Stargate fans hold onto your hats. The latest trailer for Stargate Origins has been released, a new series that will take the franchise in a completely different direction – to the past. FULL STORY >


Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy books all on offer in latest Humble Bundle

By Staff Writer 3 November 2017

Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy all get mixed up in the latest Humble Book Bundle, and it’s a good one, especially if you’re into short stories. The Humble Book Bundle: Multi-Genre Fiction by Night Shade offers a multitude of... FULL STORY >


Three Humble Book Bundles offer great reading for a song

By Staff Writer 29 September 2017

We like keeping tabs on what’s happening with Humble Bundle’s Book Bundles. Although no comics are currently on offer, there are three bundles available that should stand you in good stead if you’re looking for something to read... FULL STORY >


Second Blade Runner 2049 trailer leaves us with more questions

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 July 2017

Was Rick Deckard a replicant all along? FULL STORY >


Top 6 Sci-Fi flicks on ShowMax

By Staff Writer 11 December 2015

Sci-Fi fans looking for their entertainment quota this holiday period (apart, of course, from the new Star Wars) can head over to ShowMax. With a number of movies and series on offer, these are the sci-fi flicks you are looking for. FULL STORY >


New SOMA trailer has us weary of the underwater depths

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 September 2015

If the previous SOMA trailers weren't eery enough, a new one has been released showcasing the various environments that will appear in the game. FULL STORY >


TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Comp: Cyber Guy

By Staff Writer 16 June 2015

What happens when your online relationship gets a bit too personal? Chenél Pieterse-Boyle explores this in her sci-fi short story Cyber Guy. FULL STORY >


TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Comp: The Virus

By Staff Writer 25 May 2015

There is not much that can be done for Derek Swart's wife, but can he take matters into his own hands? Aqua Amoah's short story is another entry into the TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Competition. FULL STORY >


TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Comp: The Vernal Equinox

By Staff Writer 5 May 2015

Linzé Brandon tells a touching story about love in the time of AI for our TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Comp. FULL STORY >


TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Comp: Intersection

By Staff Writer 28 April 2015

As one of the entries in our sc-fi short story comp, Johann Dannhauser tells a story of The Hunger, The Change, and the unfortunate early worm. FULL STORY >


The X-Files returning to TV

By Staff Writer 25 March 2015

Good news for sci-fi fans as FOX orders six episodes of the iconic X-Files. FULL STORY >


TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Comp: Thanks for the Memories

By Staff Writer 17 March 2015

Craig Meyer tells the story of how a mediocre beef farmer made a shocking discovery over a braai. And no, it wasn't the brandy and Coke. FULL STORY >


TechSmart Gigabyte Sci-Fi Short Story Comp: Night has come to Cape Town

By Staff Writer 17 March 2015

Beyers de Vos tells the story of the cold that has come to South Africa, and a man who needs to escape the icy prison of Cape Town. FULL STORY >

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