Titanfall to receive multiplatform sequel says Respawn
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 March 2015 | Categories: news
Cast your minds back twelve months. Around that time, Titanfall was the big FPS/run and gun title that everyone was clamboring for, ourselves included. Then developers Respawn Entertainment dropped a bomb on South African gamers hopes, as Titanfall would not be reaching our shores. The issue revolved around latency, and in South Africa's case, the lack ot if. As a result, Respawn believed SA latency rates were not strong enough to cope with the demands of the game, dealing a bitter blow indeed.
Having buried that disappointment deep within our souls, there could be hope on the horizon. Respawn Entertainment has confirmed in an exclusive interview with IGN, that a multiplatform sequel is in the works. Technically speaking, the original Titanfall was multiplatform too, but those platforms were all Microsoft based (Xbox One, Xbox 360, Windows PC). Now it appears as if Sony will be getting some of the love when the Titanfall sequel rolls around, but an exact release date is still a mystery.
As exciting as playing Titanfall on PS4 could be, we only hope that Respawn do not deal us another death blow. For a reminder of what Titanfall is all about, check out the trailer below.
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