By 1 October 2015 | Categories: news


George R.R Martin has never exactly been shy of killing off characters unexpectedly, with fan favourites, and sometimes leading characters, meeting a sudden and often brutal end when you least expect it with the stroke of his keyboard. Now, the latest to fall victim to Martin’s propensity for slaying the expected, is a rumour from the Daily Star that a big screen Game of Thrones debut was in the works.  

The author took to his blog today to quell a rumour that HBO was possibly bringing a standalone movie with its own plot, which could have seen some characters who met their demise in the TV series being brought back for a time (there is a certain female Wildling archer we would have loved to have seen more of). His comment though, put paid to that rumour faster than a horde of White Walkers overrunning a village, stressing that if there was such a movie, it would not focus on Robert’s rebellion.  

Interestingly enough, while the rumour may have been given the definitive chop, he also conceded that there may be a Games of Thrones movie in the future. So much like certain characters, the likelihood that a GoT movie is dead – deader than dead – unless, of course it isn’t.

In the meantime, you can rather turn your attention to the impending Season 5, which is still definitely happening, and console yourself with the trailer below.


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