By 19 January 2016 | Categories: news


If you have been in the X-Files loop, you might know that Scully and Mulder are making a long-awaited return come 24 January. As we’re getting closer to release, Fox has been providing some sweet titbits to stoke the X-Files embers. The latest is a new trailer, which reveals a bit more about the new six-episode miniseries, complete with crashing UFO.

Could it be that the new series comes with a slightly more political edge, now that Mulder (David Duchovny, Zoolander), and Scully (Gillian Anderson, The Last King of Scotland) operate in a post 9/11 world? If Mulder’s monologue at the start is anything to go by, certainly so.

We also catch a glimpse of a couple of familiar characters, such as the despised Smoking Man (William B. Davis, It), but the trailer doesn’t show us a lot of the new faces, more specifically Joel McHale (Community), set to debut as a Conservative talk show host.

Fox also left another New Year’s present for fans, and if you have 21 minutes to spare you can check out the Re-Opened behind the scenes footage. It tells the story of the return of the X-Files series and where the new episodes will pick up. Additionally, it actually provides a great background to the X-Files if you haven’t lived through the 90s where that theme tune played such an iconic role. 

The new series is set to debut on Fox in the States on 24 January, with attention being paid to the main alien mythology arc, with a couple of stand-alone episodes also thrown in for good measure. Luckily, creator Chris Carter is fully involved, so X-Files fans needn’t worry too much.


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