Nintendo 3DS update

By Hanleigh Daniels 10 May 2010

Satoru Iwata revealed some new details about the Japanese manufacturer's upcoming 3D capable 3DS console. FULL STORY >


Corrie Labuschagne talks Samsung 3D TVs

By Mike Joubert 6 May 2010

The first 3D televisions are hitting the SA market this month, and according to Samsung's TV product marketing manager, Corrie Labuschagne, 3D can in future become a standard feature. He tells us more about the 3D offerings Samsung is bringing to market. FULL STORY >


MultiChoice on 3D broadcasting

By Mike Joubert 15 April 2010

While 3D telly is making its way into the country, it seems like actual 3D broadcasts are a bit further off. TechSmart spoke to Jackie Rakitla, general manager of Corporate Affairs at MultiChoice, to find out more about their 3D timeline. FULL STORY >


FIFA and Sony announce 3D World Cup coverage

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 April 2010

FIFA and Sony announce 25 FIFA World Cup matches thatll be recorded in 3D in five venues across South Africa and broadcast to the world. FULL STORY >


Samsung goes 3D in SA

By Mike Joubert 31 March 2010

Samsung's range includes their premium plasma TV line, the 7000 Series, which now includes Samsung's proprietary built-in 3D processor, and their new LED TV 8000 and 7000 Series. FULL STORY >


Sky TV goes 3D with LG

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 March 2010

LG and Sky have joined forces to bring live 3D broadcasts to the masses across the UK, with the Sky Broadcasting Group purchasing 15 000 of LG's 3D TVs, which will be used to entertain patrons in sport pubs and other public venues throughout Britain. FULL STORY >


ATI Radeon HD 5830 launched

By Hanleigh Daniels 25 February 2010

AMD introduces another graphics card in the Radeon HD 5800 series, offering gamers more choice and one that will suite their future needs as well, seeing as it supports DirectX 11. FULL STORY >


CES Magnifique

By Mike Joubert 1 February 2010

The 33rd annual Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas is done and dusted for another year, and in its wake a roadmap to where electronics is heading for the foreseeable future is plain for all to see. So where are we heading and who's driving? FULL STORY >


The Best of CES 2010- 3D TVs

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 January 2010

The best 3D TV products and a couple of other interesting gadgets from the CES 2010. FULL STORY >


Trends for 2010 and beyond

By Thomas McKinnon 7 January 2010

2010 looks to be stocked with some awesome new advances on the technological front. We stare into our crystal ball to predict the big technology trends for the coming 365 days. FULL STORY >


From 2D to 3D thanks to Toshiba

By Staff Writer 7 January 2010

The ZX900 Series CELL TV from Toshiba converts regular 2D content into 3D FULL STORY >


3D web in sight

By Thomas McKinnon 11 December 2009

A draft spec for a 3D web standard was published yesterday, based on work by Mozilla and the Khronos Group. FULL STORY >


A 3D 2010 World Cup

By Staff Writer 7 December 2009

Sony, in a deal with FIFA, will film and broadcast 25 2010 FIFA World Cup games in 3D. FULL STORY >


Acer Aspire 5738G

By Thomas McKinnon 12 November 2009

The Acer Aspire 5738G is a consumer notebook with a 3D display. We check out the future of the notebook and what 3D could mean for consumers. FULL STORY >


LGs new 3D LCD Panel

By Thomas McKinnon 27 May 2009

LG announced today that it has succeeded in developing a Full HD 23\" 3D LCD panel. FULL STORY >

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