Gaming news round-up Part 2 - The Diablo on console edition
By Johan Keyter 11 February 2011In the second part of our gaming news round-up we wonder if Diablo on console would work, check out the DICE award winners and watch a new class trailer for Dragon Age 2. FULL STORY >
Microsoft releases Windows 7 service pack one for partners
By Hanleigh Daniels 10 February 2011Microsoft hands off the final release for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1. FULL STORY >
RIP - Guitar Hero
By Johan Keyter 10 February 2011Activision hammers the final nail into Guitar Hero's coffin, cancelling the once popular music game series altogether. FULL STORY >
Verbatim GT Portable Hard Drive
By Johan Keyter 10 February 2011The Vebatim GT portable hard drive aims to bring some racing style to a normally bland product segment. FULL STORY >
Electricity in the Wind
By Mike Joubert 9 February 2011TechSmart talks to Nicolas Rolland, director of G7 renewable energies, about the Darling Wind Farm. FULL STORY >
SciNews February 2011
By Linda Pretorius 9 February 2011In this month's SciNews we investigate baldness, colour blind sharks and why good music is almost addictive. FULL STORY >
Sony discloses E-mount lens specs
By Staff Writer 9 February 2011Sony announced that it will disclose the basic specifications of its E-mount for interchangeable single lens cameras, without fee, to manufacturers of lenses and mount adaptor FULL STORY >
Consumer Electronics Show 2011 - Trends
By Staff Writer 9 February 2011What are the major trends that have emerged from CES 2011? Read here to found out. FULL STORY >
Norton 360 wins in the Product of the Year awards
By Staff Writer 9 February 2011Norton walks away smiling from the recently held Product of the Year awards, coming out on top in the antivirus software category. FULL STORY >
LG seeks to halt PS3 sales
By Johan Keyter 9 February 2011LG and Sony are currently embroiled in a tense legal battle over patent infringements, attempting to block the import of competing devices. FULL STORY >
Nokia E7 starts shipping
By Hanleigh Daniels 8 February 2011The world's biggest phone maker has announced that its latest Symbian^3-powered smartphone, the E7, has started shipping around the globe. FULL STORY >
Vodacom's surge in Opera Mini data usage
By Hanleigh Daniels 8 February 2011Vodacom reveals a boost in the use of Opera Softwares Opera mini mobile browser following the running of a promotional competition. FULL STORY >
Lean mean and green driving machines
By Johan Keyter 8 February 2011We check out the latest eco-friendly technology powering some of todayŌĒÖs most advanced boats, planes and cars. FULL STORY >
Nokia releases update for latest Symbian OS
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 February 2011Users of Symbian^3-powered Nokia smartphones can now look forward to a smoother, more stable and enhanced user experience on their devices courtesy of an OS update. FULL STORY >
Web enabled devices to be used in British Parliament
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 February 2011British MPs of the House of Lords might soon be able to utilise their tablet PCs as well as other devices during house debates. FULL STORY >
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