Uber banned in Italy due to 'unfair competition'

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 April 2017

Italian court bans Uber services within the European country, citing unfair competition for its own taxi drivers. FULL STORY >


The Electronic Sports League bans eSports team sponsored by porn site

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 April 2016

Did you know YouPorn has a pro gamer team? Well you won't be able to see them play at any Electronic Sports League tournaments in the near future, for obvious reasons. FULL STORY >


Reddit to impose harsher punishments on hate communities using its site

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 July 2015

AMAs may be the good side to Reddit, but its hate communities have caused real problems for others. As a result, Reddit's new rules aim to serve harsher punishment to such users. FULL STORY >

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