Batgirl flick gets new screenwriter to replace Joss Whedon

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 April 2018

Following a stall in pre-production with Joss Whedon stepping away from writing duties, Warner Bros. have tapped a new screenwriter to handle Batgirl. FULL STORY >


Joss Whedon set to direct Batgirl

By Staff Writer 31 March 2017

Et tu Joss Whedon? This might just be the words from Marvel Studios as Joss Whedon is crossing the comic book divide over to DC Comics. After directing both Marvel’s The Avengers movies, Whedon is slated to helm Batgirl, according to Variety FULL STORY >


Batgirl story driven add-on for Arkham Knight now available

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 July 2015

By now you've probably made your way through Arkham Knight and need something new to delve into. Thankfully Rocksteady has debuted its story driven Batgirl add-on for gamers. FULL STORY >


More Batman: Arkham Knight DLC and season pass contents detailed

By Ryan Noik 4 May 2015

In the wake of last week’s news about Batman: Arkham Knight’s season pass, Warner Bros has revealed more of what players can expect the pricey season pass to bring. FULL STORY >


DC pulls Batgirl cover

By Staff Writer 18 March 2015

DC Comics pulls the variant cover for Batgirl#41 after online protest. FULL STORY >

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