Ujo Music is using Blockchain to revolutionise the music industry
By Press Release 11 December 2017Capetonian Simon de la Rouviere’s main project is Ujo Music, in collaboration with ConsenSys – a New York based Blockchain software development company. FULL STORY >

Don’t miss the Blockchain Africa Conference 2018
By Press Release 6 December 2017Bitcoin Events’ 4th annual Blockchain Africa Conference 2018 takes place in Johannesburg on 8-9 March 2018 and has received tremendous interest from industry experts around the world. FULL STORY >

Blockchain for business SophiaTX reveals new details of platform
By Press Release 16 November 2017Token Generation Event confirmed to begin on December 5th 2017. FULL STORY >

Bursting the Bitcoin bubble: Spammers cash in on Blockchain euphoria
By Press Release 8 November 2017Multiple blockchain-themed fraud schemes exploiting the hype around the technology have been spotted in the wild recently, according to Kaspersky Lab’s Spam and Phishing in Q3 2017 report. FULL STORY >

Why Africa needs Blockchain
By Press Release 7 November 2017Bitcoin may make headlines when its value crashes or climbs, but the blockchain technology behind the controversial cryptocurrency could help Africa overcome some of its biggest developmental challenges. FULL STORY >

Dimension Data reveals key technologies reshaping businesses in 2018
By Press Release 3 November 2017Amid Dimension Data's release of the top IT predictions for the forthcoming year, it is Blockchain that is considered the disruptor to watch out for. FULL STORY >

Blockchain in the insurance industry
By Opinion 24 October 2017One of the biggest technology buzzwords of the moment is the blockchain. It’s being touted as the ‘next Internet’ in terms of the predicted impact it is set to have on the world, across all industries. FULL STORY >

Mastercard opens-up access to Blockchain API for partner banks and merchants
By Press Release 20 October 2017Provides connections into other Mastercard APIs to create new digital commerce experiences; APIto be featured at Money20/20 Hackathon. FULL STORY >

37 000 users downloaded fake AdBlock extension from Chrome Store
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 October 2017A fairly worrying development for Google's verification process, as a fake AdBlock extension for Chrome was downloaded by 37 000 users. FULL STORY >

Blockchain's powers goes way beyond Africa’s wheel of finance
By Press Release 16 August 2017A digital economy based on blockchain could hold African businesses to a new level of accountability, explains Mark McCallum, country manager at Orange Business Services South Africa. FULL STORY >

Google plans to introduce new Chrome ad blocker next year
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 June 2017Your Chrome browser should feature less annoying ad pop-ups next year. FULL STORY >

IBM launches Accelerator Program to Kickstart Blockchain Adoption for Enterprise
By Press Release 26 May 2017IBM announced the IBM Blockchain Founder Accelerator to help enterprises and enterprise developers take blockchain networks into production faster. FULL STORY >

Enabling new business models through blockchain
By Press Release 6 October 2016How BlockChain has become known as an emerging way for businesses, industries, and public organisations to almost instantaneously make and verify transactions, streamline business processes, save money, and reduce the potential for fraud. FULL STORY >

Facebook planning to rollout code to counteract Adblock Plus
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 August 2016After Adblock Plus rolled out its code earlier in the week, Facebook has its own solution to counteract it ready and waiting. FULL STORY >

Following a password leak, Twitter has blocked millions of compromised accounts
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 June 2016An estimated 32 million Twitter account passwords were leaked recently, prompting the company to block several million user accounts. FULL STORY >
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