By 10 October 2017 | Categories: news


Ad Blocking software is fairly ubiquitous these days, but you may want to read carefully if you’ve recently added such extensions to your web browser. In a rather disconcerting development for Google’s verification processes, a fake AdBlock Plus extension for Chrome was downloaded by a reported 37 000 users recently.

The extension has since been removed from Chrome's Web Store, but only after SwiftOnSecurity tweeted about it yesterday.  

According to SwiftOnSecurity, the fake extension was created by a fraudulent developer that clones popular names. They also noted that it's fairly difficult to spot that the extension is indeed a fake one, with it using the AdBlock Plus moniker, as well as having several reviews to its name. One of the reviewers actually noted that after downloading the extension, they began to notice invasive ads and a number of tabs being open without their authorisation.

As such, it serves as a warning to those who download any content online without thoroughly checking beforehand, with Google itself also being duped.


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