Vodacom joins the battle against women and child abuse

By Ryan Noik 30 November 2018

Vodacom's Walk for Good Walk is the second initiative we have seen this month to combat violence against women. FULL STORY >


Vodacom makes use of technology to help government improve service delivery communication

By Press Release 19 July 2018

As a means to help government to efficiently and effectively manage service delivery issues faced by citizens, Vodacom in partnership with the Ekurhuleni Municipality is making use of... FULL STORY >


Global SAP Survey reveals how public organisations can connect better to citizens

By Press Release 9 May 2018

SAP's recent global survey finds that citizens expect the same level of service provision from public organisations as they are accustomed to while shopping online. FULL STORY >


Nespresso reveals iconic CitiZ machine with city inspired makeover

By Press Release 22 November 2016

Iconic portioned coffee producer, Nespresso, has looked to the skylines of the world’s most loved cities to inspire the refreshed design of its equally iconic CitiZ machine range. FULL STORY >


Intervate helps small enterprise transform its business model

By Staff Writer 5 August 2015

Capitalising on the strength of Intervate's ‘Citizen Reporting’ framework, local start-up Cool Touch has radically elevated its business model by embracing mobile app technology. FULL STORY >


South Africa - Beer of the Winter 2015

By Mike Joubert 9 July 2015

While this winter might have been slightly more mild than before, it still calls for a beer to stave off the chills. We asked a number of local brewers to select their South African Beer of the Winter 2015. FULL STORY >


SA Beer of the Summer

By Mike Joubert 27 February 2015

So, what is your choice for the South African Beer of the Summer? We asked a number of local brewers (and merchants) for their favourite thirst-quencher from both their own and other breweries. FULL STORY >


The man behind hertenberger

By Thomas McKinnon 10 June 2009

hertenberger.co.za is one of our favourite South African gadget blogs. We chat to the man behind the blog about the new Android phones, blog tools and citizen journalism. FULL STORY >

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