Canon unveils new EOS duo
By Ryan Noik 25 March 2013Canon has unveiled its first round of DSLRs for this year, bringing the smallest EOS to the line alongside the new upper entry level 700D. FULL STORY >

Telkom launches higher speed broadband
By Ryan Noik 4 March 2013Telkom Internet has launched VDSL broadband products that will offer users speeds of up to 40 Mbps FULL STORY >

Top tech trends for 2013 Part 2
By Staff Writer 11 January 2013In part two of Tech Trends for 2013, we look at the things we want more off in 2013, and look at how we fared with our predictions for 2012. FULL STORY >
Two new lenses added to Canon line-up
By Staff Writer 7 November 2012Canon DSLR enthusiasts take note - two new lenses have been added to the company's EF lens series - a 24-70mm zoom and 35mm fixed focus. FULL STORY >
Nikon launches D5200 digital camera
By Staff Writer 6 November 2012It has been a busy past few months for Nikon, with its new D5200 DSLR joining the entry-level D3200 and its smallest full-frame yet, the D600. FULL STORY >

Open Access offers many advantages to business
By Staff Writer 11 October 2012XDSL discusses the advantages and benefits of open access and network neutrality to local business. FULL STORY >

XDSL offers new Extreme MPLS
By Staff Writer 10 October 2012XDSL shares the details behind its new Extreme MPLS offering. FULL STORY >

Telkom Internet to launch high speed broadband pilot
By Staff Writer 5 October 2012Want broadband speeds of up to 40 Mbps at no extra cost? Well if you are a Telkom Internet customer you might just get lucky. FULL STORY >

EISA Photo Awards brings camera winners
By Staff Writer 15 August 2012The judges over at the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) have spoken, awarding a number of deserving cameras with the important EISA Photo Awards for 2012-2013. FULL STORY >

Quick review - Canon EOS 5D Mark III
By Ryan Noik 24 July 2012As impressive as its specifications are, in actual use, the EOS 5D Mark III is simply put a superlative full frame camera whose ease of use belies its dazzling array of features. FULL STORY >

MWEB drops to R199 for 1 Mbps uncapped ADSL
By Staff Writer 17 April 2012MWEB slashes its 1 Mbps uncapped ADSL pricing by R100, now starting at R199. FULL STORY >

Canon announces new EOS 5D Mark III DSLR Part 1
By Ryan Noik 2 March 2012On the 25th anniversary of the EOS system, Canon has fittingly celebrated by announcing its new full frame EOS 5D Mark III DSLR. FULL STORY >

Canon announces new EOS 5D Mark III DSLR Part 2
By Ryan Noik 2 March 2012Part 2 of all the new full frame EOS 5D Mark III DSLR has to offer. FULL STORY >

Nikon launches 36 megapixel D800 full-frame dSLR
By Ryan Noik 7 February 2012This week Nikon launched the latest camera in its FX format dSLRs, the D800. FULL STORY >

Nikon launches new D4 pro DSLR
By Ryan Noik 6 January 2012Today Nikon launched its new D4 DSLR, which is set to replace the D3S as the flagship professional DSLR in its line-up. FULL STORY >
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