Canon PowerShot G11
By Mike Joubert 8 January 2010While the Canon G series remains the definitive compact camera range, the new G11 could have done more to impress. FULL STORY >

Filming HD Video on dSLRs
By Mike Joubert 2 December 2009On 27 August 2008 Japanese camera manufacturer Nikon dropped a bombshell on an unsuspecting camera world. Their latest digital single lens reflex camera, the 12 megapixel D90, included a feature that no DSLR had before the ability to record video in high definition. FULL STORY >

James Carroll on filming Night Drive
By Mike Joubert 1 December 2009Night Drive is a locally produced horror movie, starring amongst others Chris Beasley from Isidingo. What makes the movie interesting is that it was shot entirely on dSLR cameras using onboard HD video functionality. We spoke to the films producer James... FULL STORY >

Cap free gaming
By Staff Writer 10 November 2009Web Africa announced today that it will launch a free gaming service, WAGE, for customers on December 10, 2009. FULL STORY >

HD Video on DSLRs
By Mike Joubert 12 May 2009With the ÔÇ£more megapixelsÔÇØ spat all but over, the latest punch up concerning digital cameras is now about HD video shooting capabilities. FULL STORY >

XDSL Family ADSL Packages
By Thomas McKinnon 3 September 2008The ease with which ?¡children can access x-rated content is ?¡startling. For this reason it is ?¡important that ISPs share the responsibility by offering packages that meet the ?¡connectivity needs of the ?¡average family while negating some of the content risks. FULL STORY >

Canon EOS 1000D
By Andrew Gould 2 September 2008Entry level DSLR with live view on the LCD display. FULL STORY >

SMC Barricade N Pro
By Andrew Gould 6 June 2008The ADSL2 Barricade N Pro Modem Router is the perfect all-in-one networking solution for connecting and sharing your high speed ADSL Internet connection. Designed for the home and office, this platform independent multi-functional router combines a built-in ADSL2/2+ Modem,... FULL STORY >

Billion BiPAC 7402GX Router
By Andrew Gould 6 June 2008Create your own portable hotspot! Enjoy the freedom of secure, high-speed Internet connectivity at the home, office, or while on the road with Billion\'s compact BiPAC 7402X series dual-interface ADSL2+/3G firewall router. FULL STORY >

DrayTek Vigor 2700Ge ADSL Router
By Andrew Gould 14 April 2008Targeting requirement for residential, SOHO and business users, the Vigor2700e series is an ADSL2/2+ enabled integrated access device. With downstream speed up to 12Mbps (ADSL2) or 24Mbps (ADSL2+), the Vigor2700e series provides exceptional bandwidth for... FULL STORY >
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