God of War III tops US sales for March

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 April 2010

Marcus Fenix and the rest of Delta Squad is set to go on their last mission together in a year's time, while Kratos has crushed the competition to become top dog in the US when it comes to game sale figures for March. FULL STORY >


Square Enix profits

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 February 2010

Square Enix has announced its financial results for the nine month period leading up to the end of December 2009. Its returns have been bolstered by sales of FF XIII in Japan and some Eidos titles. FULL STORY >


Weekly roundup- Motion gaming hopes dashed

By Hanleigh Daniels 5 February 2010

This week in gaming sees developer Bungie dashing hopes that Halo: Reach will use Project Natal and tells you how many Xbox 360 DVDs FF XIII will need. FULL STORY >


Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Edition PlayStation 3

By Hanleigh Daniels 17 December 2009

Sony has released a special edition PS3 console in Japan today to celebrate the launch of Final Fantasy XIII. FULL STORY >


A1GP Tipping Game

By Thomas McKinnon 19 October 2009

An online A1 prediction competition, the A1 Tipping Game lets you predict the results of each Grand Prix in the season. With weekly prizes and the thrill of pretending to be a pundit it\'s good fun. FULL STORY >

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