Nokia and co develop app user classification system

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 February 2011

Nokia has teamed up with a sociology professor to create a spate of new labels you can classify your friends under based on their smartphone app usage. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Web edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 February 2011

The iPad 2 is spotted in this week's Tech News Round-up, whilst a new IP, IPv6, is required for the future of the net. FULL STORY >


Latest Firefox 4 Beta for Android and Maemo released

By Hanleigh Daniels 3 February 2011

The latest beta version of Firefox 4 for Android and Maemo has been released by Mozilla. FULL STORY >


Android crowned as OS king

By Johan Keyter 1 February 2011

Google rejoices as its Android mobile OS ships more devices than Nokia's Symbian. FULL STORY >


Nokia C6

By Hanleigh Daniels 31 January 2011

Nokia's budget friendly C6 might not be the fanciest device, but impresses with its reliability and user-friendliness. FULL STORY >


Nokia updates its Social app

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 January 2011

The world's biggest phone maker has upgraded its social networking app for devices running the latest version of the Symbian OS. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Smartphone edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 January 2011

This week in the Tech News Round-up: More leaked details regarding future BlackBerry devices hit the web, whilst there are now over two billion internet users in the world. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Smells like money issue

By Hanleigh Daniels 21 January 2011

The much rumoured MeeGo-running Nokia N9 comes under the spotlight again in this week's Tech News Round-up, whilst jilted Google looks set to take on Groupon with Google Offers. FULL STORY >


Nokia pulls plug on X7 US launch

By Hanleigh Daniels 20 January 2011

Nokia has reportedly cancelled the US launch of its next Symbian^3 running smartphone, the Nokia X7. FULL STORY >


Nokia scaling back Ovi Music Unlimited service

By Hanleigh Daniels 17 January 2011

Nokia will be discontinuing its unlimited music download subscription service via Ovi Music in many parts of the globe. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Analogue TV to get axe by 2013

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 January 2011

This week in the Tech News Round-up: South Africa to adopt the DVB-T2 digital television standard, whilst a leak of a trinity of new smartphones on the way from Canada's RIM hits the web. FULL STORY >


Nokia E7 delayed

By Johan Keyter 15 December 2010

Nokia scraps plans to have its E7 smartphone out by Christmas, instead opting for early 2011. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Computing edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 10 December 2010

This week in the Tech News Round-up: Apple's next iPad might start to ship as soon as February next year, whilst VGA's obituary gets written by Intel and AMD. FULL STORY >


New UI on the way with MeeGo

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 December 2010

Nokia talks interfaces and user experiences at LeWeb. FULL STORY >


Skype for Symbian gets updated

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 December 2010

Skype for Symbian has been updated and now offers support for the latest iteration of the mobile OS. FULL STORY >

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