Mobile Ransomware more than trebled in Q1 2017, according to Kaspersky Lab
By Press Release 23 May 2017The global nightmare of ransomware shows no sign of slowing down, with the volume of mobile ransomware rising over three-fold (3.5 times) during the first few months of the year, according to Kaspersky Lab’s Malware... FULL STORY >

Held hostage: beware the fake antivirus
By Press Release 16 May 2017Graham Croock, director of IT Audit, Risk and BDO South Africa's Cyber Lab, explains why hackers are discovering that it is more profitable to hold data hostage rather than to steal it. FULL STORY >

Looking to build a tech start-up? Wits to host MIT Global Start-up Labs Programme
By Press Release 15 May 2017Wits University, in conjunction with MIT Sloan School of Management, has opened applications for teams interested in participating in the MIT Global Start-up Labs Programme. FULL STORY >

People don’t realise their love for their data – until it’s too late, Kaspersky Lab study reveals
By Press Release 9 May 2017The old adage ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until its gone’ seems more relevant than ever for the digital age, with new research by Kaspersky Lab showing that while people claim... FULL STORY >

Proven detection empowered with scalability: Kaspersky Lab releases a major update of its Anti-Targeted Attack Platform
By Press Release 4 May 2017Kaspersky Lab has announced the renewed Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform, a solution to detect advanced threats and targeted attacks for enterprises. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Lab introduces partner program in Africa to drive growth for managed security service providers
By Press Release 25 April 2017The program helps MSPs to address the growing demand for IT security services and enables them to attract new customers in the SMB markets, while satisfying existing customers looking to... FULL STORY >

Huawei launches OpenLab in South Africa
By Press Release 21 April 2017Huawei has unveiled its Global OpenLab Program in South Africa at its flagship event, the Huawei Eco-Connect Conference, held in Sandton this week. FULL STORY >

Amid gender pay gap claims, Google releases payment methodology
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 April 2017After coming under fire over gender pay gap reports, Google has released information on its 'focus on pay equity' and 'gender-blindness'. FULL STORY >

From Shamoon to StoneDrill – advanced new destructive malware discovered in the wild
By Press Release 7 March 2017In the wake of the Shamoon malware attacks, a new wiper targets Middle East and shows interest in European targets. FULL STORY >

5 things we want from the new Nokia 3310
By Staff Writer 20 February 2017Tapping into some nostalgia for its true comeback at MWC 17 this week, these are the five things Nokia must feature in the 'new' 3310. FULL STORY >

Connected cars: who controls your car without you knowing?
By Press Release 17 February 2017Kaspersky Lab researchers have examined the security of applications for the remote control of cars from several famous car manufacturers. As a result, the company’s experts have discovered that all of the applications contain a... FULL STORY >

The South African Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Bill, 2017...much better
By Press Release 24 January 2017The Department of Justice published the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill, 2017 on 19 January. It is, at first glance, much better than the 2016 draft, says Lucien Pierce, BDO Cyber Lab consultant. FULL STORY >

Pokémon Go adds new species called Ditto to get gamers interested again
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 November 2016With the frenzy surrounding Pokémon Go dying down in recent months, developer Niantic Labs has introduced a new species to breath life into the game - Ditto. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Underground Tour: Revving the engines of innovation
By Ryan Noik 21 November 2016With Microsoft Research, the future of computing, and the hardware labs behind us, the next destination on the Microsoft Underground Tour was also one of the most inspiring. Named The Garage, this had nothing to do with cars and... FULL STORY >

Asus' insane ROG GX800 gaming notebook lands Feb for R130K
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 November 2016Is the Asus ROG GX800, the gaming notebook to end all gaming notebooks? The R129 999 price tag certainly suggests so. FULL STORY >
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